Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Deer Hunt 2009

My Two Brothers Matt and Clay talked me in to going Deer hunting with them and my father this year. I thought it might be fun to take Parker and Grace with us too. ( Taylor had a Harry Potter Birthday party that he did not want to miss)

These little kids hiked their guts out trying to brush out the deer. I think we must have hiked at least 6 miles through thick oak brush but they were real troopers!! Didn't complain one bit!

Parker was a real help scouting for deer!! Those poor deer didn't have a chance with him on the job!!

And who would have thought..... I actually shot a deer!!! Not bad for my first one!! I have to thank my little brother Clay though, if he would have not followed the deer over the hill when I shot it, we would have never have found it!!

And a BIG shout out to both my brothers!! If not for their help, that deer would still be sitting on the mountain!!! WOW I would have never guessed how out of shape I am!! Or how heavy those stupid deer are!! The three of us took turns hauling the deer for about 3 miles!!

And you wouldn't believe it ... My brother Matt shot a deer just 2 days later!!! I guess Grace approves, she is giving the thumbs up!!!

Parker And Grace got to carry the guns and backpacks off the mountain while my brother and I carried the deer.. They were such great helpers!!!

Just a couple of hunters posing with their deer.... Oh and yes that would be Grace posing also!!

It was a very successful hunt and I have to say it wont be my last!! I am already looking forward to the Elk hunt this year and many more deer hunts in the future!!! Parker is already talking about getting better camo for next year!!


sarinah♥ said...

Good job Mason! Awesome post and Awesome deer!

Jenny Hilton said...

looks like everyone had a really great time! I know matt did.